• a bespoke, modular curriculum to support business owners and functional team leaders in the SME sector develop the required skills and competences in innovation management to enable them to introduce formalised innovation processes in their companies and rapidly bring new innovative products and services to the market
  • a tailored in-service training programme to ensure that VET professionals are equipped to deliver the new innovation management curriculum tailored to the needs of their SME client group
  • a mobile-friendly learning platform built to maximise interaction and engagement providing instant access to our high-impact learning materials namely the InTraRed Innovation Management Curriculum and the In-service Training Programme for VET professionals, trainers and coaches.
  • a library of real-life case stories of innovation leaders in the SME sector
  • a thought-provoking Policy Paper titled Innovation Management in the Age of Disruption
Visit platform

The project has closed, if you have any question you can contact CARDET here.